October Trial in the books

Well another TaG trial has been done.  We had lots of fun this weekend with challenging courses from Sarah Mairs.  Started off Friday night with us getting setup up in under an hour thanks to those who came out and helped move equipment and set up the rings.  Saturday was great with nice clear weather outside and lots of fun inside.  Sarah started us off with a Gambler course and seeing if our dogs could find there dogwalk contact without us and a tunnel in the middle.  Next were a couple of great standard courses with lots of fun challenges.  A very "European" flavour to her courses.  We ended the day with a Snooker course that had everyone running to get some straight tunnel in #7.  Sunday started off with a Challenge course and it was lots of fun with again lots of "European" flavour.  The standard courses as well tested our handling abilities and how fast we could get our dogs around the course.  Not for the faint of heart, or knees, hey Steve.  The steeplechase was fun and very quick and we ended the weekend with a great jumpers course that kept us on our toes.  

Thanks to all those who stepped up to help this weekend.  We got done at great times each day.  Was also great to see people step into roles that hadn't done before and do great jobs.   Great to see lots of smiles on lots of faces, and lots of happy dogs.  Next event will be Oct 27 with the DASH trial in the evening.  Hope to see you there. 

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